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MUSIC REVIEW- Take two: Talented locals keep scene lively

Published March 3, 2005 in issue 0409 of the Hook

Lux Perpetua
How to Tell a Lie With...<BR>

Jim Gagnon
Freedom: May All Beings Know Peace


This has been a good week, snow notwithstanding. Nothing makes me feel better than being handed a disk full of new tunes. Local, national, mainstream, underground, bootlegged or paid for, it doesn't matter to me. I just love music.

I feel grateful for the opportunity to be able to turn people on to what's new. My only regret is that I can't tell you about all the stuff that comes through the transom. I'm not hating it, though. I'll just bow my head, remain humble, and put you onto a few cats kickin' it in your neighborhood.

Let's start close to home with an individual you may be familiar with-- Justin Wolf. He has done his thing, musically, in the 'ville as a member of retro-clash rockers Folkskunde and as featured soloist at numerous Poetry Lounge events.

His not-so-new project, Lux Perpetua, released a new album on local label RR&RP records that deserves your attention. How To Tell A Lie With... is a journey into the depths of warm lo-fi analogue sound and picturesque poetry that paints from a palette of broken images and abstract ideas.

In other words, Lux Perpetua flaunts extremely creative and engaging song-writing backed by the right blend of drums, percussion, keys, and random sounds. There are times when the lo-fi-ness of the recording becomes irritating but mostly because I just wish I could hear the words more clearly (at points they're washed in the mix). For the most part, it's just what is needed for an artist like Justin Wolf.

Pay close attention to songs like "Love & War" and "On That Night." You'll find a rawness in the songs that offsets the smooth warmth of the recording. Don't sleep on Lux Perpetua. There is something special here.

Next on my list of 'Ville-age people is Jim Gagnon, Charlottesville's resident didgeridoo expert. Well, I don't know if he's actually an expert but not only can he play them, he can make them in all kinds of sizes.

Jim has released Freedom: May All Beings Know Peace, a exploration into the danceable aspects of didgeridoo and hand percussion. If you're up on the down-tempo dance style (think Thunderball and Plaid), then this album might just be up your alley. Produced with the help of a Yamaha DJX2 synthesizer, the disc really hits on a few tracks.

My favorites are the final three songs, "Shaman House," "Outer Space," and "Calling All Angels." The didgeridoo gives the tracks a hypnotic effect that, if you allow it, will lull you into a subconscious stupor. This album can really make you drift. I'm not a fan of the vocals on "My People," though the lyric touches home.

I also believe that the long songs could have used a bit more construction to shorten them. Nevertheless, the gems found on Freedom... are worth the missteps. If you're looking for something truly relaxing and different from the norm, search no further.

So, there you have it. The music in Charlottesville never stops coming. It's hard to keep up. Next week something new and probably equally as cool will come across table. I'll do my best to let you know what's good out there.

Hopefully you'll do your best to support what's good. Together we can keep the scene alive.



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