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NEWS- Trumpeting torture: PETA decries circus abuse

Published September 28, 2006 in issue 0539 of the Hook
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Entertainment or animal torture? That's the debate raging between animal rights organization People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals and the Carson & Barnes Circus, which rolls into town on September 30 for two days of shows at the Bagby Showgrounds off High Street.

In a letter sent to Mayor David Brown and city councilors on September 25, PETA claims Carson & Barnes essentially tortures its animals during training and travel by beating them and chaining their legs. As alleged proof, the group also sent a copy of a disturbing video taken, they say, by an undercover PETA agent working for Carson & Barnes in 1999.

The video shows a man who PETA claims was Carson & Barnes' then-animal care director attacking elephants with metal bullhooks and what appears to be an electric prod. It also depicts the director instructing others to dig their bullhooks into the elephants' hide and "make 'em scream." They scream.

That grainy video can be seen on a PETA sponsored website, petatv.com.

But Carson & Barnes spokesperson Jennifer Johnson claims the video is essentially propaganda, "artfully done" by splicing together different occasions in order to maximize its impact. The animals in Carson & Barnes circus are well cared for, Johnson insists, adding that PETA's real agenda is to keep animals out of the circus, no matter how they're treated.

"They're damaging a legitimate business," she says.

Johnson, who says she completed her master's thesis on the interaction between circus animals and their trainers, says she has consulted for several other circuses, including Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey.

Circuses are "an American tradition," she says. "They educate about the respect between humans and animals and how we can work together for everyone's benefit."

PETA presents Carson & Barnes as "really sinister, like we all creep around and do these horrible things," says Johnson. "We don't."

In the video, the trainer is coaching some underlings to hit the animals with "everything you've got" and berating the trainees with an expletive-laced monologue.

"I'll kick the sh*t out of you, you f**king pr*ck." Whether the recipient of that scolding is man or elephant is not immediately clear, but in other rants, it is.

"If you're scared to hurt 'em," the man tells the trainees, "don't come in the barn. When you hear 'em screaming, then you know you've got their attention."

However, Johnson contends that elephants, like all animals, "don't work well if they're in an abusive environment." Learning elaborate tricks, such as balancing on stools and walking backwards, is a "long slow process through respect and reinforcement."

As for PETA's assertion that the animals have their legs bound so they can't move, Johnson again objects to the characterization. Elephants' legs are tied only during travel "for their own safety," she says. "You wouldn't let your child ride without a car seat, would you?" she asks.

Once the elephants have been unloaded, Johnson says, they are untied and allowed to walk in enclosures under tents with other elephants. And four months out of the year, Johnson says, the elephants go to a ranch in Oklahoma where they have hundreds of acres to roam.

Johnson denies that any elephant trainer with Carson & Barnes uses electric prods, pointing out that they're illegal. And as for "bullhooks," Johnson says her trainers do use them, but not in the way PETA presents.

"They're actually called an ankus," Johnson says, explaining the long poles with hooks on the end have been "a part of animal husbandry for thousands of years and are used as a guide, not to inflict pain."

PETA activist Lisa Wathne, however, offers an affadavit signed by the undercover agent and given to the USDA on February 21, 2002 that claims that in addition to the treatment revealed on the video, Carson & Barnes trainers brutally beat elephants during "trunk washing," which involves squirting saline up elephants' trunks to test them for tuberculosis.

"When she refused to hand over her trunk, Joe took his bullhook and, using it like a baseball bat, proceeded to hit her between the eyes four times," the affadavit states. The undercover agent's name has been redacted by the USDA, says Wathne, who declines to identify him because he is still working undercover for PETA. After detailing the brutal beatings of several elephants with bullhooks, the agent describes the use of the electric prod, known as a 'hotshot."

A trainer "proceeded to shock her with the hotshot numerous times," the agent states. "I counted at least 27 shocks. He shocked her left hind leg, her left front leg, her face and her tongue." During the beatings, the agent states, the chained elephants trumpeted, urinated, and defecated. The agent states the injuries inflicted were not an isolated incident. The agent says he routinely washed and squeezed pus from elephants' infected "hook boils."

As a result of that affidavit, Carson & Barnes paid the USDA a fine of $400. USDA spokesperson Jim Rogers says the fine was a "stipulation," which is one step below a violation of the Animal Welfare Act.

"We basically say, 'You promise to stop doing whatever [you're doing] and pay the fine, and we'll stop our investigation." Rogers says Carson & Barnes has no violations on its record. Johnson claims the affadavit was a lie put forth by PETA to further its mission of closing down all businesses that use animals in any way.

If elephants were being abused and had open wounds like those PETA describes, says Johnson, it would be obvious to USDA inspectors and to people coming to the circus. 

"We invite people to come see for themselves," she says.

Wathne, however, points out that the video also shows the trainer instructing others that he can't use the rough tactics "in front of 10,000 people."

Wathne says she hopes Charlottesville, which passed a pre-war resolution against the invasion of Iraq, will pass an ordinance prohibiting circuses and other acts that use animals from coming to town-- including Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey circus, which is scheduled for shows at the John Paul Jones Arena from December 6 to 10.

Mayor Brown declined comment Tuesday, September 26, saying he had not seen PETA's letter or video. 

Johnson, however, says she hopes people will come see for themselves rather than simply take PETA at their word.

"Carson & Barnes has been in the family for 70 years," says Johnson. "We are proud of our record of animal care, and whatever PETA tells you about us is a lie."

Nostalgic entertainment or animal cruelty? The debate rages this weekend as the Carson & Barnes Circus comes to town.



Susan Leston9/28/2006 2:40:06 PM

Let's say that the circus is truthful in it description of it treatment of its animals, including elephants. During the four months that these animals are traveling around the country, they are, for all intents and purposes, prisoners at the hands of numerous individuals who are more or less understanding of their needs and feelings. These are huge animals in need of large spaces to exercise, forage, interact with each other as elephants. To confine them to train cars for hours or days has to be stressful. To chain their legs (for whatever reason) must also be a terrible situation for them. To spend hours and hours and hours performing idiotic "tricks" so audiences can go "Oooh!" and "Aaah!" is pathetic. It is solely to amuse viewers and gain revenue for the circus--NOT to educate anyone! How anyone in their right mind can honestly believe that these magnificent animals are happy, contented, and enjoying their life-style in circuses must have come from another planet. Circ-de-soliel has the right idea for the 21st century. Have we not progressed at all in our understanding of our true relationship with the other animals we share this planet with? Stop the circus's skewed perception of "What the people want to see"! If "the people" knew the truth about the lives these beautiful beings (and not just the elephants!) lead, they would NEVER, NEVER go to a circus again.

Janice Serrato9/28/2006 4:49:48 PM

Ever heard of the saying, "money is the root of all evil" -- well, that certainly applies here.

Jennifer Johnson is a paid liar. Everyone knows, and the Ringling Bros. elephant head (Troy Metzler) admits, that you have to hit elephants to get them to perform. Metzler told that to Chicago TV a couple of years ago.

If elephants aren't afraid of the bullhook/ankus they will not obey. Elephants are useless to the circus if they do not perform - and circus folks will do *whatever* it takes to force those elephants to do unnatural tricks.

It's very sad ... and it's all for the money. If people don't go to the circus it will help the animals.

Deborah Robinson9/28/2006 6:36:15 PM

As a result of a sworn affidavit describing HORRIFIC abuse, the USDA calls it "whatever" and gets them to pay a $400 fine so Carson and Barnes can claim that they have no violations on their record? No wonder the circuses can still travel the countryside torturing elephants, if the agency charged with looking out for their welfare is that lax and uncaring.

BobinSeattle9/28/2006 7:22:52 PM

Want to see what life for a circus elephant is about? Check out this 50 second video on YouTube:


Phyllis Tripp9/29/2006 11:11:33 AM

Carson & Barnes, and Ringling Bros. make money off the backs of animals, so it's no surprise they continue to profess their care for them.

But for the public: How can anyone continue to defend using animals in entertainment venues? Beating, chaining and caging social, intelligent animals and using them as props is morally indefensible.

Observer9/29/2006 11:14:26 PM

From what I've seen a female of Charlottesville's female PETA activists could easily replace the elephants in a circus act.

Judy Bratis, R.N.9/30/2006 2:45:30 AM

No elephant should be imprisoned by being in a circus. To use an elephant for entertainment and making the almight buck is cruel and inhumane. I am appalled that this is legal. Have a heart people.

enough is enough9/30/2006 5:55:48 AM

Since circuses, zoos and exotic pets upset people, let's send all the lions, tigers, elephants, pandas, bears and anything bigger than a rat back to the country it originated in. That way they can all be slaughtered by poachers, or eaten by HIV positive natives that couldn't be saved by the billions of dollars Bill Gates has lavished upon the diseased. Then no one will have anything to whine about and that will placate fat, liberal white females that obviously have way too much time and money on their hands. Time for PETA to start funding a program entitled "Let's send the animals back home."

aghast9/30/2006 2:08:52 PM

the women of PETA seem to have few compunctions about animal flesh as they dive head first into the fried chicken troughs at Wood Grill or Golden Corral restaurants. Fat hypocrites.

rufus9/30/2006 2:56:46 PM

How selfish of us! The American people need to return all animals to their homelands immediately so that the starving hordes can get enough food to hand on for a few more days. That way they can live long enough to slither into this country and seek treatment at UVA's emergency room for their medical issues---and liberal folks from New England, who now run this area, will be only too happy to let the public pay for all of this largesse through taxes and hidden charges. Hooray for the millions that will be saved by animals now uselessly kept in American zoos and circuses.

observer9/30/2006 3:46:45 PM

rufus you don't have a clue. One of the great propaganda triumphs of the American media is that Africa is being decimated by AIDS and other problems. Truly a big lie. Serious students of demographics, along with the UN and World Health Organization, know that the African population is going off the chart literally IN SPITE of all the diseases and starvation.

What to do? Well, I for one don't think that the imported animal population has the required protein and carbohydrate count to help millions in distress. However, if we were to export Sally Struthers, Ted Kennedy and a few female PETA activists to the continent of Africa I would bet that the population could make it through winter.

PETA fan9/30/2006 4:40:11 PM

PETA has the big picture. It is much better to let a species be wiped off the face of the earth rather than let animals be exploited by zoos, circuses, collectors are such. I hope that the poachers of Africa and Asia sue PETA for discriminating against them by protecting endangered animals inside the United States--thus depriving poor third world poachers of their livelihood. (Lawyers take note of this new windfall awaiting you).

Once all the contentious animals have joined the dinosaurs in extinction things will be better. Then, when a little boy in central Virginia asks his dad what a hippo or elephant looked like, his dad can hold up a picture of his wife in her bathing suit and he can tell his son "this is what a hippo and elephant looked like."

recent witness in divorce court9/30/2006 7:55:45 PM

Guys listen up. When a girl tells you her big cause in life is animal rights, don't buy her that drink or even talk to her. Just run. If you have time, introduce her to someone that you hate. These women are poison and if they get involved with you it is not because they want to spend the rest of their life making you happy. These women are driven psychotics and they will invariably cost you a fortune in court one way or the other. Run from them unless you like the idea of losing everything in court one day and then having to work until the day you die.

just run10/1/2006 5:42:37 PM

call me a sinner, but I worry more about those in Appalachia trying to get by one more day than I do animal rights. This country is forsaken.

wise county10/1/2006 7:05:05 PM

elephant steak would look good to children in a house that doesn't have indoor plumbing

James Fontaine10/2/2006 1:33:31 AM

Circus elephants should not be beaten with bull-hooks and electricuted to perform their "tricks" such as an elephant standing on its head. Elephants deserve to be treated humanely and of course shouldn't be poached either. It does not have to be one or the other.

There is a great HUGE sanctuary called the Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee on thousands of acres where the elephants are left alone to roam and be elephants--no beatings, no chains on both front and back legs unable to turn around, instead just freedom from abuse. You can check it out at www.elephants.com In this day and age animal cruelty should not be tolerated. The best thing anybody can do is not attend a circus with elephants. There are many great new circuses without elephants such as the Big Apple Circus, Circus Smirkus, Circus Chimera, and many more so families can still have fun without any animal suffering. Thanks

tired of hype10/2/2006 3:56:49 AM

If PETA is serious about elephants, tigers, and all the rest, they should take the billions of dollars they have gotten from the estates of rich old ladies, who were left fortunes by their tasteless husbands, buy all the animals from zoos, circuses, private owners, and send the things back to the third world so we can end all this nonsense and work on the REAL problems this country faces. No, Tennessee is not the answer, GET RID OF EVERYTHING because the CRYING won't stop until the animals are overseas. This country is diseased and "animal rights" are one good example of the malaise. Perhaps the next legal hurdle for PETA will be protecting animals from "mental cruelty" inflicted upon them by humans? Don't laugh, the first entry in this stream talked about "understanding the needs and feelings" of elephants. Right, think about it. Sounds a lot like a lawyer making a pitch for the house, pension, alimony and child support in divorce court doesn't it? Send everything back to Africa and let the natives turn them into stew--after all, they were stolen from Africa now weren't they? Let us end this great crisis that has paralyzed the nation.

no writer10/2/2006 1:23:14 PM

America has truly devolved into a base pop culture where animals command more attention and hand wringing than the real problems of the day.

I wonder10/2/2006 11:55:09 PM

I wonder if the "incriminating" video was another case of artful cutting and splicing along with computer generated special effects and graphics. Single issue groups, and PETA is only one of many, have large legal staffs to assist them in these kinds of games. The circus is long gone and I'm sure their schedule was carefully calculated into the release of the video---it was a safe bet that no one would want to stay in Charlottesville and pay for expert analysis of the videotape to see how it was constructed, paying a lawyer 300 dollars an hour to file discovery motions on the local PETA chapter to see what really happened behind the scenes, etc, etc. Small businesses don't have the time and money to contest such charges and the activist groups know this game only too well.

Ex Stoner10/3/2006 12:34:23 AM

Not too many years ago PETA launched a carefully planned campaign to end the cruel practice of deer hunting in Virginia. They only backed off after they kept getting their faces slapped by the ugly reality that about 90% of deer killed in this state are polished off by motor vehicles instead of hunters. That didn't feed anybody's Messiah complex. The campaign was quietly dropped--it had never happened you know. Apparently a few corpulent PETA types had Bambi ricochet off their minivans and that had more than a few outdoors types laughing. Here is an example of PETA hypocrisy. In a matter of a few months thousands of half million dollar townhouses were hastily constructed in Ashburn, Virginia and this caused countless deer to die slow deaths due to starvation. Blinded by hunger, one small doe actually ran into a car I was riding in--I could count the ribs in her side, she was that thin. The money grubbing developers and real estate firms, the same people who have done so much to improve the quality of life around here, weren't vilified by PETA in the media for premeditated deer genocide. No surprise, even the knaves at PETA know when they are up against wallets bigger than their own. Deer were getting killed all along Route 7 and around Ashburn, not a peep from PETA. Thousands of deer strikes go unreported--drivers don't file police reports unless their vehicles incur damage that goes over the basic deductible their policy has. There's no point, and this means the number of collisions between deer and vehicles is grossly unreported--cars and trucks kill many more deer than PETA would have you know about since this undercuts their sell to the public.

retired muscle car owner10/3/2006 10:58:33 PM

I remember the crusade against deer hunting by PETA. A couple long time hunters I knew worked in auto body shops in Arlington, Fairdax and Falls Church. The guys were sporting PETA buttons and I asked them what was up since I knew they were life long hunters. The owner smiled and told me "I think hunting deer is cruel and unusual punishment, especially since the average cost to a car owner is several thousand dollars to put his car back together". Keep up the good work PETA--we love you.

willy10/4/2006 12:04:12 AM

John, is that you? The PETA girls were pushing the anti hunting drive some ten years ago.

circus goer10/4/2006 4:25:06 PM

I would bet that expert police analysis of the PETA tape would show it to be a contrivance. I asked a guy at the circus about this stuff, and he told me "the elephants earn their keep by giving rides to small children at five dollars a head-ten kids is fifty bucks and this keeps 'em in hay. I haven't seen shocks to make them do tricks."

a few shock therapy sessions might well do PETA types a world of good

willy10/4/2006 7:34:54 PM

John that is you and Tom isn't it? I'll get in this one.

I challenge all men out there to look at themselves in their bathroom mirror and ask "How can I go on once the snail darter, snow leopard, condor and yes, the elephant, join slender central Virginia females in extinction"?

T Rex is gone, but we are doing okay without him. If Africa, Asia, and South America are unwilling to preserve their own heritage, what gives the cheeseburger chomping, cell phone in their face while driving, American soccer moms license to save the world yet one more time?

Okay Tom, top that one.

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