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Edible challenge

by Dave McNair
published 4:03pm Tuesday Sep 28, 2010
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img_0241Local food blogger Jenée Libby is hoping for a windfall…and a chance to help local non-profits

Jenée Libby, whose food blog Edible Cville has been feeding local foodies with its insights, needs your help. The blogger has reached the second round of a $10,000 food blogger contest sponsored by foodbuzz.com.

“They issue a challenge and each week the winners are judged and advance based on the number of votes they get,” says Libby. ” and how great their posts are.”

If she wins Libby says she’s committed to donating $5000 to the PB&J Fund and the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank.

“I’m passionate about food writing and all the exciting food-related happenings here in Charlottesville,” says Libby. ” If I win, I’d love to be able to give back to the community that’s given me so much.”

To vote for Libby, you can go to foodbuzz.com/project_food_blog.


1 comment

  • Libby September 29th, 2010 | 3:05 pm

    Wow! Thank you so much Dave! Really appreciate this. I should mention you do have to sign up for Foodbuzz to vote, you can vote only once, but if I advance to the 3rd round, you can vote once again….and on and on until I hopefully win (the 10th challenge). Thank you so much!!!

    Judges include Dana Corwin (Editor in Chef of Food and Wine) and Nancy Silverton, founder of La Brea Bakery so I’m pretty stoked.

    Voting for Round 2 ends on Thursday 9/30 at 9pm
    Here’s a better link to vote: http://bit.ly/alaitz

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