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PHOTOPHILE- Nail polish: Women cut, saw, and pound

Published September 28, 2006 in issue 0539 of the HooK.

By BILLY HUNT [email protected]

Peter, Paul, and Mary might have approved of the activities over on Rock Creek Road Saturday, September 16, even though the approximately 25 women who were there working weren't actually singing "If I Had a Hammer." The participants in the joint Wachovia Bank/Habitat for Humanity "Women Build" project didn't need to wish-- they all actually did have hammers.

Julie Shuren, Habitat for Humanity's staff liaison for the project, says the group has been participating in such projects since 2001, building a new house every year in partnership with a sponsor. About half of Saturday's workers were from Wachovia.

Beginning with coffee and bagels at 8:45am and continuing almost non-stop until 4pm, the women measured, sawed, hammered, and hoisted lumber in their quest to build a house for single mother Brandy Lacey and her two children. While the women's experience ranged from beginner to advanced, everyone pitched in with enthusiasm. Lacey, who will spend two hundred hours working on the house as part of the project, expressed her gratitude for the group's efforts.

Habitat needs volunteers to continue to work on the house, which the group is trying to finish by the end of the year. Interested volunteers can email [email protected] or call the Habitat office at 293-9066.

Jessica Kiernen, Nancy Burr, Marcella Johnson

Patricia Quarles and Meryll Davis

The women put a vapor barrier on a wall.

Raising a wall.

Julie Shuren, the staff liaison for the women builds.

Brandy Lacey, the recipient of the home

Melissa Taylor and Casey Williams


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