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Saga of a supermodel: Colin sinks to the bottom…

by Laura Parsons
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Colin Steers

This week on Make Me a Supermodel (Wednesday, 10pm, BravoTV), the budding romance between underwear-sporting Gabriel and single mom Amanda continued to blossom (with baby talk and mock fights nauseating everyone else in the wannabe models’ house). Salome, meanwhile, lamented being “fat.” And Sandhurst…

What’s that you’re mumbling? Just tell you what happened to geek-a-licious local, Colin Steers? Well, fortunately and unfortunately, Charlottesville’s favorite reality star didn’t spend much time on camera this episode– fortunately because lack of air time boded well for his survival, and unfortunately because hungry Colin fans received only crumbs to nibble.

For this week’s photo shoot, Bravo’s creative team, in its sadistic quest to make the contestants as uncomfortable as possible, set up shop at an outdoor pool on a 45º day. Wearing street clothes, the models posed underwater using neon nets as props. Ever-eager Colin, wearing a hot pink shirt for his adventure in wetness, received praise from the photographer for gamely pretending to be wrapped in a cocoon on the bottom of the pool.

Less porn-a-rific than usual, the episode, nevertheless, managed to work in a reference to our boy’s virginity (everybody’s favorite storyline). When contestant mentor Nicole Trunfino delivered the portfolios from the shoot to the contestants, she remarked to Colin, “I think this photo is going to get you laid, babe.” To which our darling innocent said in voiceover, “It’s just kind of shocking to hear a supermodel say that.” Colin then joked maybe he should have the pic printed on cards he could hand out in bars.

Following the watery photo shoot, the catwalk challenge continued the elements theme, with the women strutting as “fire” and the men embodying “ice” (ho hum–bring back the geeks and boys in skirts, please). The contestants benefited from individual coaching sessions with a runway expert, who advised Colin to pretend a string was pulling him forward from his waist.

With the expert’s “Great job!” spurring his confidence, Colin walked fiercely and icily enough to land safely in the middle of the pack. Meanwhile, personality-less Gabriel got the bad news that he would wear his skivvies no more in the contestants’ house (and Amanda, needless to say, was heartbroken).

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  • Steve April 10th, 2009 | 2:58 pm

    There has to be some real news out there, somewhere.

  • really? April 11th, 2009 | 10:44 am

    I have never felt more informed.

  • Steve April 12th, 2009 | 2:19 pm

    really, really?

  • really? April 14th, 2009 | 7:24 am

    Honest I swear.

  • elnuttero April 14th, 2009 | 8:00 am

    A guy stuck in a net. What one must go through to be a supermodel. Is that supposed to be cool in some way? Sorry, I guess I just don’t understand it.

  • JOJO April 15th, 2009 | 9:12 am

    I ahve been checking out the Hook ever since I found out about this guy.
    I am a nerd turning into a supermodel who also works at UVA and is a virgin.
    Now that’s one interesting dude!
    I want more of Colin!

  • ChocoLover April 15th, 2009 | 2:57 pm

    Hey Zoolander!

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