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Go Daddy guy’s motorcycle cake

by Dave McNair
published 2:18pm Wednesday Oct 28, 2009
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How did we miss this one? Arizona news outlets report that Go Daddy CEO Bob Parsons–as famous for founding the popular domain registrar and web hosting company and he is for his “Go Daddy girls” promotions–tied the knot at Keswick Hall last Saturday, and that Go Daddy-sponsored race car driver Danica Patrick was on hand. But get this: Parsons commissioned a cake from the Food Network’s Ace of Cakes star Duff Goldman that was a replica of a Ducati motorcycle, complete with working ignition, lights, real wheels, and two cake helmets.  You can see pics of the wedding and folks munching on the moto here.

  • WestBerkeleyFlats October 28th, 2009 | 4:58 pm

    a working replica of a Ducati motorcycle.

    I’m assuming that the cake didn’t actually run, right? I mean, either there’s a working engine under the cake, or batter-based engines have improved a lot in technology.

  • Theobviousjoke October 29th, 2009 | 12:44 pm

    I’m sure that cake bike gets some sweet mileage

  • Tom October 29th, 2009 | 3:32 pm

    The Hook’s first sentence says it all, “How did we miss this?” In response to The Hook I would say because this is not important news. It’s something that would be found on TMZ or Perez Hilton and not in a paper that is always disrespecting other news publications or reporting on items that don’t merit as news worthy.

    I’m going to get a hot dog. Is that news worthy?

  • WestBerkeleyFlats October 29th, 2009 | 4:12 pm

    What kind of hot dog?

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