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Gas party? FBI investigates cut line at Perriello home

by Dave McNair
published 3:10pm Wednesday Mar 24, 2010
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Update 3/26/10 2:53pm: The DP’s Brian McNeill reports that bricks were thrown through the windows of the Albemarle County GOP headquarters in the Albemarle Square Shopping Center last night, in what is believed to be another act of politically motivated vandalism. Police are investigating the incident.

Update 3/26/10 2:30pm: The New York Times’ Micheal Cooper, reporting from Ivy, Virginia, deems the cut gas line on a portable grill at the home of Rep. Perriello’s brother “potentially the most dangerous of many acts of violence and threats against supporters of the bill in the last week.” The article goes on to highlight similar acts of vandalism across the country, complete with photo of the Perriello home.

“I think people have to realize what it means to say in a Democracy that ‘I will kill your children if you don’t vote a certain way,’ ” Rep. Perriello told the Times. “What’s at stake here is the sanctity of our democracy.”


Update 3/25/10 4:50pm:  The Albemarle County Fire Marshal’s Office and the FBI have confirmed that the supply hose of a portable gas grill at the home of 5th District Representative Tom Perriello’s brother, at 303 Heron Drive in Peacock Hill in Ivy, was a “deliberate act of vandalism” and that it was “intentionally cut,” according to a statement released this afternoon by County spokesperson Lee Catlin. Catlin says that Perriello family members returned home and smelled gas coming from the grill, located at the back of the property, and noticed that the hose was severed.

“While there was no immediate threat to the residence and its occupants,” the statement reads, “ investigators believe the leaking gas could have posed a danger had there been an ignition source nearby.”

Anyone with information on this incident or other unusual behavior in the neighborhood is encouraged to call Crime Solvers at (434) 977-4000.


The day after former VP candidate Sarah Palin encouraged her Facebook friends to “print pink slips” for members of Congress who voted for President Obama’s “disasterous” healthcare package, including 5th District Representative Tom Perriello, Politico reports that the FBI is investigating a cut gas line at the Charlottesville home of Perriello’s brother—who is married and has two small children—which County spokesperson Lee Catlin is calling a “suspicious incident.”

The address was mistakenly posted on Lynchburg Tea Party activist Mike Troxel’s blog, who believed he was posting brother Tom’s address. According to Politico, Troxel encouraged tea party activists to “drop by” Rep. Perriello’s home. MSNBC reports that the Lynchburg Tea Party chairman posted a statement on the organization’s website, which appears to have crashed at the time of this post, saying that Troxel’s post had not been sanctioned or endorsed.


  • Freedoms March 24th, 2010 | 3:16 pm

    The address wasn’t “mistakenly posted”. The address was wrong, but it was posted on purpose. What a dooooooouche.

  • Hoolarious March 24th, 2010 | 3:17 pm

    Stay classy, Hatriots.

  • **** March 24th, 2010 | 3:19 pm

    at the Charlottesville home of Perriello’s brother, wife, and two small children,

    I think you meant to say sister in law, and their children?
    Far as I know our Congressman doesn’t have a wife or children, and if he did and they were living with his brother that might be newsworthy on its own.

  • Hoolarious March 24th, 2010 | 3:29 pm

    Thanks for the critically important bit of copyediting, ****. Glad to see there are Hatriots on that job as well.

  • Freedoms March 24th, 2010 | 3:32 pm

    I don’t wear a hat.

  • the concerned Virginian March 24th, 2010 | 3:33 pm

    It is the Gas Party, the Assassin party, the intolerable party with the old southern mentality of 100 years back. You have pull Virginia back to the colonial time. You live at this moment but your mind lagging behind by a few hundred years. Way to go Gas, Assassin, party!

  • cognitive d March 24th, 2010 | 3:37 pm

    Hey, here’s a thought. If you disagree with the congressman’s vote on health care, you can just vote for the other guy in November. I know arguments can get heated on the interwebs, but maybe we can all agree on that.

  • ontheroad March 24th, 2010 | 3:46 pm

    Lets hope this was just an accident. If not and this was proven to be incited by the tea party would that not be treason? That be the case we will have to unleash the full force of the military to thwart any threats!

  • Jim March 24th, 2010 | 3:50 pm

    For once I’d agree with the term “teabagger.”

  • Tom March 24th, 2010 | 4:02 pm

    The teabaggers ought to be right at home in the RepubliKlan party.

  • turdburglar March 24th, 2010 | 4:08 pm

    Comment deleted because the user has a history of using various aliases to personally attack other commenters. Various aliases have included Chuck Bartowski, Anna Wu, John Anderson, Charles Carmichael, Sarah Walker, Sweet Dee, Dances with Smurfs, The Gimps, Cville Dem, and Sick of the Local Gasbag to name a few.moderator

  • Jim March 24th, 2010 | 4:11 pm

    It’s possible “fool,” “mope,” “mr. wannabe criminal guy” are all a little more apt. But teabagger works too.

  • TJ March 24th, 2010 | 4:15 pm

    ” Tea Party without Nuts” Thomas Friedman’s editorial in today’s NYT is worth reading if you care about our country.


  • David Sewell March 24th, 2010 | 4:22 pm

    I’ve posted here under a pen name before, but this is a time for real names, I think.

    Actions like this are a form of domestic terrorism, pure and simple. Sure, it’s not terrorism of the scale of a church shooting or a federal building bombing. It’s more on the order of a cross burning. It is an attempt to send the message, “we know where you live, next time it might be worse”. The motive is to instill fear not only into the congressman but into supporters, maybe to make someone considering whether to post a Perriello sign or bumper sticker have second thoughts, worrying about whether their house or car will be a target. I imagine that those who sympathize with the act see it as a justifiable form of asymmetrical warfare: it lets the little guy fight back against the Big Powerful Congressman who has the force of the political establishment against him. Problem is, it’s asymmetrical warfare against the basic functioning of our democracy, the ability to support a candidate or vote for a piece of legislation without fearing for one’s life.

    Coincidentally, I got ahold of a new Perriello bumper sticker the other day, and put it on my car this morning before hearing about this incident. Will I worry about driving with it now? Yes, a bit more than I would have. Will I take it off? Nope. Am I nervous about posting here without a pseudonym? A little; but in the first place I think Albemarle County is better than this, and in the second place there are times when you just have to say to your community, “here I am, here I stand”. I’d encourage others to do so too.

  • chouva March 24th, 2010 | 4:27 pm

    cutting a gas line is a serious crime, its not an accident. I am not a lawyer, but i can easily see a cho DA pursuing a serious felony charge for this perp. you dont cut a gas line unless you are looking to blow up a house and/or kill those inside. what the difference between this guy and the muslim kid with the bomb in his underwear? both failed but attempted to harm or kill for political purposes.

  • yepper March 24th, 2010 | 4:27 pm

    did she really write “disasterous”? Yeah, she’ll be president REAL soon.

  • yepper March 24th, 2010 | 4:29 pm

    sounds like Sarah Palin’s palling around with terrorists!

  • justbeinobjective March 24th, 2010 | 4:43 pm

    While I am not a great fan of Perriello, I do think that the perp or perps of such a crime should be punished to the fullest extent of the law…now let me “be objective”…just so there is a perp and this wasn’t done purposely just to draw attention and pity. So I hope the FBI investigates to their fullest extent and gets to the bottom of such a dangerous situation.

  • the concerned Virginian March 24th, 2010 | 4:46 pm

    Mr. Sewell:
    I just hope that we have more people, like you, who are real concerned citizens with tolerant mind and civilized act. We may disagree on some or all subjects, but we should not put others who have viewpoints different from ours at risk. It this what sets this country apart?

    The Tea party and the extreme-one-sided talk show hosts have done a real disservice to this country with their intolerable view. It is their way or no way! I escaped the Communists at least partly because of its similar intolerance. The people who paint this country as being pulled into a socialist society obviously have no idea what a socialist society is! Ignorance and conviction makes a dangerous setting for violence and wrong doing!

  • TJ March 24th, 2010 | 4:51 pm

    Other members of Congress have also been threatened according to CNN. I believe the Republican leaders in Congress should be held accoutable for whipping the public into a frenzy against a legitamate vote of our representatives. If someone dies as a result of their actions it will be blood on thier hands as well. This is a time for reasoned argunment and civility not name calling and threats to our leaders.

  • Joe Cecil March 24th, 2010 | 4:57 pm

    What is wrong with these people? I consider these actions as acts of terrorism and should be treated as such. These are not loyal patriots, they are dangerous, dangerous people who need to be outed and need to be jailed.

  • ontheroad March 24th, 2010 | 5:17 pm

    treason: “a crime that undermines the offenders government.” That would be the intent to undermine by the threatening of said congressman in attempt for such congressman not to be able to fulfil his duties under the threat of bodily harm.

  • turdburglar March 24th, 2010 | 5:19 pm

    “Comment deleted because the user has a history of using various aliases to personally attack other commenters. Various aliases have included Chuck Bartowski, Anna Wu, John Anderson, Charles Carmichael, Sarah Walker, Sweet Dee, Dances with Smurfs, The Gimps, Cville Dem, and Sick of the Local Gasbag to name a few.– moderator”

    Seriously?! I wasn’t even attacking anyone on this board. Just making a valid point about how use of the word “teabaggers” to describe these violent extremists does a disservice to the folks who were originally called teabaggers. Besides, most of the stuff posted here is an attack of some sort or another.

    But while we’re sensoring aliases, don’t forget my others: John Casey, Bryce Larkin, Morgan Grimes, Lester Patel, and Jeff Barnes.


  • Overparr March 24th, 2010 | 5:25 pm

    They cannot put anyone who would do something like that in a hole that is too deep and the Tea Party was as irresponsible as humanly possible in posting the address and working people up to go after Tom’s family. But one thing puzzles me. When we had our town meeting Tom said his brother could not afford health insurance. They showed the house on the news and something doesn’t add up. Perhaps there is a health condition in the family that would explain it so I won’t jump to any conclusions but whoever owns that house should be able to afford health inurance if I can–all things being equal of course.

  • Gail March 24th, 2010 | 5:35 pm

    Freedom of speech is a precious right but using that right to incite violence is contemptible. This is certainly an example, thankfully minor, of domestic terrorism and I hope every level of law enforcement treats it as such.
    My thoughts are with the Perriello family.

  • Jeff March 24th, 2010 | 5:57 pm

    No reason to lead wqith Sarah Palin. Not relevent to the story at all.

    Hoolarious - you are a hate-monger

  • Reality Bites March 24th, 2010 | 6:05 pm

    To flash forward and see what happens when churches disagree with the Tea Party, go to Google and type in “Birmingham Church Bombing, 1963.”

    If anyone had any sense of humor at all, they would back-up Trexel’s sewer line.

  • prainva March 24th, 2010 | 6:24 pm

    Cutting a gas line at someone’s residence - that is POLITICAL TERRORISM. The Teabaggers are the ones who will destroy our freedom, not the Democrats.

  • Shallel March 24th, 2010 | 6:38 pm

    The Tea Party was revived in December of 2006 by the 9/11 truth movement, throwing cases of the Commission report into Boston Harbor and other convenient bodies of water. That it has been co-opted by the Republican Party is the ultimate irony. The 9/11 truth movement is a non-violent group seeking justice, and if you include all the disbelieve the Cover-up Commission we number a majority of Americans - including several members of the 9/11 Commission who suspect deception on part of the Pentagon.
    Violence is NEVER a good solution!
    Blessings to The Perriello Family - stay safe -
    We need you, Tom, you are a damn impressive Congressman.

  • turdburglar March 24th, 2010 | 6:43 pm

    “Hoolarious - you are a hate-monger”

    Whoa! That sure smacks of a personal attack. I’m sure it’ll be deleted any second now…

  • Justin March 24th, 2010 | 9:51 pm

    Troxel was told the address was wrong and was the address of a family member. He responded that he would not take the address down until Periello gave Troxel his address. To date, not one single Republican politician has condemned this thuggery, they just say it’s not their problem. If these people are in charge of anything, the country is in terrible trouble.

  • Col. Forbin March 24th, 2010 | 9:51 pm

    This is really over the top. That man has little kids at his house, and there can be no excuse for something like this. I really hope the FBI finds this tea party goon.

  • Life long resident March 24th, 2010 | 9:55 pm

    In just a matter of a few months Tommi won’t have to worry about this kind of stuff anymore because he’ll be sitting at home.

  • Jefferson Fan March 24th, 2010 | 9:57 pm

    There’s no doubt the manner in which the address was posted online and the comments associated with it cross the line from free speech to inciting violence……….but before we go nuts and idict everyone on the right, remember there are kooks on both sides of the spectrum. Would every environmentalist want to be accountable for those who spike trees that seriously injure loggers? The unabomber had environmentalist views–is Al Gore responsible? Jim Bunning (KY Senator) received dealth threats recently……is Keith Olbermann responsible for his inane rants? Are all animal rights activists responsible for the few who use violence at research facilities?

    Prosecute those who did the wrongdoing……but think twice about the generalization to all of those with whom you disagree…..you don’t want to have to live up to that same standard.

  • Harostar March 24th, 2010 | 9:59 pm

    I wish I could claim that this kind of behavior surprised me. But it doesn’t, and that is a sad thing. Whether you agree with Perriello’s vote, you can voice your opinion come November by voting. This kind of thuggery is unacceptable, but again….not entirely surprising of the Tea Party.

    My father is a member, and has repeatedly hinted at intentions towards violence. Whatever the original intentions of the movement, it has become a haven for the unstable and aggressive, who have an Us vs Them attitude about the world.

    Frankly, I know the bill that passed isn’t perfect. But at least SOMETHING is being done, and the process has started. A pity that Republicans couldn’t be more willing to be part of the process, because solutions are what we need. Not more bipartisan in-fighting, which solves absolutely nothing.

  • Paul March 24th, 2010 | 10:30 pm

    This sort of criminal activity is typical of the right-wing theocrats who have taken over the Republican Party… and is exactly why I am now an independent, NOT a Republican. Disgraceful how the Republican Party tolerates these types of people and encourages them to behave in this fashion. First, Bush-Cheney-Rummy, then the theocrats with Sarah Palin and her RCI (Rectal-Cranial Inversion), and now these tea-baggers. Remind us all how these imbeciles are any different than the Islamic Fundamentalists that we’re fighting?

  • a friend March 24th, 2010 | 11:14 pm

    …and now they’re trying to create this storyline in the media that the Dems WILL be voted out in November. Maybe the voters will go with the side that didn’t turn murderous and racist over a HEALTH CARE BILL!!! Can you imagine what hell would be breaking loose right now if the Dems had made up lies to invade a country in an unnecessary war and got thousands of our soldiers killed and then voted to shut down a hearing to end veteran homelessness if the Republicans managed to accomplish ANYTHING in Congress?!

  • Joseph March 24th, 2010 | 11:28 pm

    The clause that opens the first sentence is a non sequitur. What exactly does printing pink slips have to do with a criminal act? Poor reporting.

  • Hoolarious March 24th, 2010 | 11:33 pm

    Joseph, you’re SO right! A better first sentence would have referred to Palin putting an image of crosshairs over the congressional districts that offend her and saying that her followers should RELOAD! That would have been more to the point. Thanks for pointing that out!

  • And? March 24th, 2010 | 11:47 pm

    Tom, if you think the Republicans were the backers of the Ku Klux Klan, you are probably the result of the Liberal Education system. Go back and look up the facts; the Democrats were the supporters of the Klan, as well as the opposition to most civil rights legislation. Oh, don’t forget that little topic Democrats hate to admit to: slavery.

  • Paul(2) March 24th, 2010 | 11:48 pm

    Give me proof. A suspect or a charged criminal. Then I’ll pass on my opinion. Until then, it’s all just speculation. It may be termed as a “suspicious incident” at this time, but it is way too early to pass blame on any person or group. Absolutely, if this was malicious, this incident is appalling, but we have no concrete facts as of yet. I would not condone an act like this no matter what party affiliation. It’s just wrong, if in fact this was a calculated act of aggression by any person at all.

  • And? March 24th, 2010 | 11:55 pm

    Mr. Sewell,
    According to the current presidential administration, suspects of terrorism are treated as any other criminal. Are you suggesting it is appropriate to treat those accused of terrorism as a threat to national security when it is (now) deemed a criminal matter?

    Shouldn’t the FBI investigate, Mirandize anyone arrested, and allow them access to an attorney before a fair trial of their peers? Or is that privilege only for terrorists who originate from “other lands”, or those who might be liberal in their ideology?

  • And? March 25th, 2010 | 12:03 am

    Do you think she could spell “Syracuse”? The president cannot. It was televised, but nobody dared mention the spelling error!

  • Tina March 25th, 2010 | 12:26 am

    Palin had someone do it. She just had the wrong address…lol

  • peckerwad March 25th, 2010 | 12:34 am

    Not sure what education system produced your scholarship, but look up some facts for yourself, “And?”. The Democratic Party of the 19th century and even of the Civil Rights era was quite different from the Party of today. Philosophically speaking, the modern GOP is much closer to the old Democratic Party. Anyone with half a wit would confirm that assessment for you.

    Also, I have re-read Mr. Sewell’s posts a couple of times now and fail to see where he makes any recommendations whatsoever as to the method of prosecution that should be employed against those responsible. Perhaps you imagined it? Or perhaps you read it in another post and mistakenly attributed it to Mr. Sewell after first having clearly misunderstood the true author’s ironic intent.

    Either way, it is interesting that this imagined slight compelled you to attack the criminal justice system as the proper venue for trying terrorism cases. Am I correct in assuming then that you would have these “domestic terrorists” denied the rights and priviledges of criminal defendants and instead brought before a military tribunal without even the benefit of counsel? Or is that fate reserved for “terrorists who originate from ‘other lands’, or those who might be liberal in their ideology?”

  • a friend March 25th, 2010 | 1:52 am

    Hey, “And?”,
    You’re right! The Dems USED TO BE the shameful racist ignorant violent cancer on this country even as recently as forty-six years ago. Now the Republicans have proudly claimed that mantle for themselves! You must be so proud!

  • a friend March 25th, 2010 | 1:55 am

    Oh, and “And?”, didn’t Obama’s Attorney General promise a congressional committee that Osama Bin Laden would NEVER make it to trial? Or do you ignore reality when it contradicts your arguments and your feelings about Democrats?

  • a friend March 25th, 2010 | 3:32 am

    Oh, don’t forget that girl that was attacked by the two Obama campaign workers…oh wait,…that’s right, she admitted she made that whole story up…

  • angel eyes March 25th, 2010 | 4:32 am

    All the jive from the right about “nourishing the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants”, the open carry of guns at Teabagger rallies, is of a part with the rhetoric used for years by the anti-abortion fruitloops.

    Their basic message is: their political opposition is illegitimate, un-american, and any methods are OK to intimidate or destroy them. People post inflamatory messages on blogs and websites suggesting violence. They may lack the nerve to resort to violence themselves, but they hope their incitement may trigger someone to become a Golem for the cause. The “Operation Rescue” group really want for someone among their more unstable followers to to go on down to Hydraulic Rd. with an assault rifle and murder staffers at Planned Parenthood. In the last few days numerous acts of vandalism have taken place at Democratic Party offices following online incitement related to reactionary rage against the passage of the HCR bill. A mini “Kristalnacht” if you will.

    So vandalism directed at Tom Perriello, but miss-targeted, is intended to make Perriello fear for his life, a new step in the coarsening of public dialog, and one that is of a piece with the politics of personal destruction employed not just by fringe elements, but part and parcel of mainstream Republican practices.

  • Funny March 25th, 2010 | 6:51 am

    “The teabaggers ought to be right at home in the RepubliKlan party”.

    This comment by Tom is little out of context. The KKK help to form the Southern Conservative Democrats during reconstruction. But the idea is understood.

    We live in a country of 300 million. There will always be opposition to ideas. Let us hope that it can be taken care of without violence.
    There are ways for the Republican party to oppose the law. And if the law is not meant to be, it will fail.

  • boon1980 March 25th, 2010 | 7:00 am

    Tea Party people make normal Republicans look bad….

  • JK March 25th, 2010 | 7:53 am

    I think it is entirely possible that fringe Democrats did this in order to point the finger at “invisible conservatives”, because they’ve been applying the same Chicago thug tactics all week in Congress. Remember that both Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck have been urging calm and being beyond reproach as these are indeed “dangerous times”.

  • Raul Duke March 25th, 2010 | 8:12 am

    Sh**!? Conservatives are invisible now?? I guess that was what that thud was under my car this morning. I’d have maybe swerved if I’d have seen something…maybe. I dont think Beck has a calm bone in his body. Dangerous times? Its still media fear mongering. Dangerous times? Stay out of the streets

  • peckerwad March 25th, 2010 | 8:12 am

    JK, you are deluded if you think Democrats did this.

    And claiming that Beck and Limbaugh are beyond reproach nearly made me spit up my cofee. Get real.

  • the concerned Virginian March 25th, 2010 | 8:25 am

    JK is the exact prototype for Rebulican conspiracy theory! Rush Linbaugh and Glen Beck urge calmness! It sounds like a snake that would not release its venom once it bites! I am waiting to if see Limbaugh would keep his promise to move to Costa Rica where he can use all of his money to buy his drugs and health care. We need to rid these poisonous hosts, just like we need to rid cancerous tumors!

  • crozetite March 25th, 2010 | 8:56 am

    When (and if) caught will these people be tried as “TERRORIST” or just Faux (fox) News stooges ?

  • yepper March 25th, 2010 | 9:53 am

    JK, what’s so dangerous about these times? It’s a gosh-darned health insurance reform bill for Pete’s sake!

    those that have been saying that this bill would destroy the country are going to look more and more foolish as time goes on. These are the same people that believed that Saddam Hussein was behind 9/11 and had WMDs. They are fools and it doesn’t matter to them what the truth is, they just want to have their little hissy fits because it feels good.

    They are leading the GOP down the path to further defeats. If they only listen/watch Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh they may believe they’re being reasonable. The rest of us think they seem downright scary and more than a little crazy.

    Their rhetoric regarding this legislation in no way conforms with reality. Now that it’s passed, they are kind of in a pickle. I believe they’re employing some of the same kind of circular logic employed before the Iraq war: “If he doesn’t have WMDs or wasn’t behind 9/11, why would George Bush want to go to war? Therefore he MUST be a threat and we MUST go to war.” Instead it’s: “If it really a reasonable health insurance reform bill why would Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck be saying that it’s going to be mean the destruction of America? Therefore it MUST be a terrible bill and it MUST be stopped by any means necessary.”

    These people are not employing critical thinking and have been fooled and manipulated. Worse yet for them, after all their huffing and puffing, the legislation is now the law of the land.

  • Johnny America March 25th, 2010 | 10:06 am

    Glad to know nobody was hurt. Maybe Tom and his demoncrat buddies should have looked into the future. Like: How will all these angry people react to us screwing them? They, the 500 creeps that think they run this country have not seen anything yet. This country is owned by 300 million of us. NOT 500 pigs. 300 million against 500. They should be worried. Somebody is bound to snap! At some point: the time for talking to a wall ends and another course of action begins.

  • HollowBoy March 25th, 2010 | 10:17 am

    Tactics like this are what the Fascists in Italy and the Nazis in Germany used to come to power. Terrorize and intimidate the opposition.
    Certain elements on the far right simply refuse to recognize the legitimacy of a government that they are opposed to, even though it was elected by the voters in the correct fashion. Much like the firebrands in South Carolina and other Southern states refused to accept that Abraham Lincoln has been elected as President of the USA. They chose secession and plunged the country into a civil war.
    If it had not been a healthcare reform bill it would have been something else that they would have jumped on. They simply hate the Democrats and the Obama administration.

  • crozetite March 25th, 2010 | 10:21 am

    Johnny A WOW! man can you tell me the name of the store that sells hoods, robes and ammo.I gotta get me some before they take it all away. Are we still on for the cross burning on Saturday????!!!??!

  • Confucius March 25th, 2010 | 10:34 am

    It wouldn’t surprise me if the Dems pulled this off in an effort to get a sympathy vote for Little Tommy Boy in November. It won’t do any good…..HE IS TOAST. It’ll be nice to have a Congressman who represents his or her constituent’s interests for a change, NOT those of the Dumbocrat Party.

  • Old Timer March 25th, 2010 | 10:35 am


    Unfortunately some of the same tactics were used by the left unhappy with the Constitutional Amendment to prevent same sex marriages in California.

    I think that what is ticking a lot of people off is that they see those at the top of the tree not having to follow the rules, while all the rest of us schmucks are. So why should they bother? It’s the same reason why i really piddle all over big business; they are always handed tax breaks, saying they provide jobs, and look at all those payroll taxes, while the small business has to meet those very same obligations, and then pay their own share.

    I do not think that the rule breaking is what is driving these right wing nuts though seeing as they are happy to vote for rule breakers as long as it has their color all over it.

  • Confucius March 25th, 2010 | 10:36 am

    Hey Crozetite, the only Klansman I know of is a Democratic Senator from West Virginia. He’s very well respected by the Dems. The truth hurts, doesn’t it? But don’t let the facts cloud your vision.

  • Bootzilla March 25th, 2010 | 11:21 am

    Carry me back to old Virginny,
    There’s where the cotton and the corn and tatoes grow,
    There’s where the birds warble sweet in the springtime,
    There’s where this old darkey’s heart am long’d to go.

  • Carter March 25th, 2010 | 11:27 am

    hey Bootzilla you are free to move?

  • crozetite March 25th, 2010 | 11:31 am

    Confucius. Seeing that you know of him what times the meeting at this week end ? I really don’t want to go all the way to West Virginia so let me know of the local shooting clubs meeting time . Oh my mistake the shooting club is a “Militias” not a Klan. Big difference one in robes the other in camo !

  • Carter March 25th, 2010 | 11:33 am

    This one is for you Boot sing it as you pack happy MAY DAY

    The workers’ flag is deepest red,
    It shrouded oft our martyred dead;
    And ere their limbs grew stiff and cold
    Their life-blood dyed its every fold.

    Look ’round, the Frenchman loves its blaze,
    The sturdy German chants its praise;
    In Moscow’s vaults its hymns are sung,
    Chicago swells its surging song.

    It waved above our infant might
    When all ahead seemed dark as night;
    It witnessed many a deed and vow,
    We will not change its color now.

    It suits today the meek and base,
    Whose minds are fixed on pelf and place;
    To cringe beneath the rich man’s frown,
    And haul that sacred emblem down.

    With heads uncovered, swear we all,
    To bear it onward till we fall;
    Come dungeons dark, or gallows grim,
    This song shall be our parting hymn!

    Then raise the scarlet standard high;
    Beneath its folds we’ll live and die,
    Though cowards flinch and traitors sneer,
    We’ll keep the red flag flying here

  • Fred williams March 25th, 2010 | 11:39 am

    Its great to be able to see people express themselves. One side hates and then the other side hates. I do not like Mr Obama, nor Ms Pelosi or Mr Reid, but I can’t do a “darn” thing about them. On the other hand, I found Mr Webb and Mr Warner on the wrong side of the issue as well and I can do something about both. I will work my tail off to help defeat both. I can’t vote against Perriello but I can give money to defeat him. Notwithstanding my feelings, I am not a Klansman or a hate monger.

  • history101 March 25th, 2010 | 11:54 am

    Some of the people condemning such acts are the same ones who supported the radical groups of the 60’s. Some of those same people teach in our school systems today. Could we possibly have some of those liberal hypocrits on this board?

  • Harry March 25th, 2010 | 12:01 pm

    I will believe this story when the person is caught and admits to doing it.

  • peckerwad March 25th, 2010 | 12:01 pm

    Hey Confused,

    OK, you got me. Robert Byrd was in the Klan like, 70 years ago or something. He has since apologized repeatedly and supported every conceivable progressive cause, but don’t let THAT fact cloud YOUR vision.

    Ever heard of a little fellow named David Duke? Republican Klansman. Strom Thurmand? Segregationist AND recently deceased Republican Senator. Trent Lott? Former Republican Senate Majority Leader and ally of the Council of Conservative Citizens (segregationist group). Bob Barr? Former Representative and ally of the CCC.


  • peckerwad March 25th, 2010 | 12:05 pm

    Hey Carter,

    Nice song. How bout you move first?

  • Carter March 25th, 2010 | 12:12 pm

    I was here first
    Mr. Name Says It All.

  • discoduck March 25th, 2010 | 12:17 pm

    “Notwithstanding my feelings, I am not a Klansman or a hate monger.”

    To a normal thinking person you would not be considered either. To a frothing liberal nothing that you say will take you out of either catagory. If this were a speaking forum you would have been called a bigot before the word “I” left your lips.

  • HollowBoy March 25th, 2010 | 1:09 pm

    If people do not agree with the healthcare legislation they have the right to work for candidates that wish to repeal or amend it. They have the right to challenge its constitutionality in the courts. That is how the system works or at least is supposed to.
    But threats and imtimidation and the demonization of the opposition are not compatible with a democratic society. The fact that others at other times employed these tactics is beside the point. Who accomplished more for civil rights, Martin Luther King’s message of nonviolence and inclusion, or Rap Brown’s incendiary rhetoric about burning America down? Who had a more credible message of peace, Joan Baez or those who bombed ROTC buildings?
    The Republican Party, the conservative movement, and the Tea Party folks will be hurting their own cause if they do not denounce and repudiate the violent, extreme elements. Look what happened to George McGovern when voters perceived that he was in sympathy with the violent,extremist elements of the Left during his campaign.
    I actually at one time considered voting for John McCain. That was before Palin, before his campaign went negative, and it looked like all we would see would be a variation on the Bush administration. He was not the McCain of 2000.
    The healthcare bill? I doubt its the monstrosity these people are calling it. Nor is it a perfect solution-I think a lot of tinkering and tweaking will be necessary. But can’t help but think that no matter what it contained the Obama haters in the Republican Party and elsewhere would have still been frothing.

  • peckerwad March 25th, 2010 | 2:01 pm

    Rick Dees: “To a normal thinking person you would not be considered either. To a frothing liberal nothing that you say will take you out of either catagory. If this were a speaking forum you would have been called a bigot before the word “I” left your lips.”

    Really? I have no doubt that you would consider me a “frothing liberal,” yet I came away from Mr. Williams’ comments thinking him a fairly level-headed sort - one with whom I disagree - but certainly not a Klansman, hate monger, or biggot. I would suggest that you examine your own tendency to vilify those with whom you disagree.

  • peckerwad March 25th, 2010 | 2:04 pm

    Carter: “I was here first
    Mr. Name Says It All.”

    Clever. My real name is “Carter is a Prick.”

  • TGAH March 25th, 2010 | 2:20 pm

    why aren’t comments posting anymore?

  • a friend March 25th, 2010 | 2:27 pm

    history 101, If you actually knew anything about the 60’s, you would know that the racist ones were not liberals. The liberals of that era were the counterculture, the hippies. The racists that wanted to keep black people down wanted to preserve the status quo, to “conserve” the old racial hierarchies, hence the term “conservative”. Now yes, the conservatives tended to be Democrats in those days, but you make yourself sound uninformed when you talk about liberal in the 60’s being racist. You have it 180 degrees backwards. 2ndly, to the people above who said the Dems probably cut this gas line to make the teabaggers look bad…it shows a pathological inability to negatively judge even inarguably bad behavior from your own ranks, and it is why it is actually VERY fair to lump you in with the most violent among you that actually commit this type of behavior. If you won’t very visibly or very vocally condemn this behavior then you silently acquiesce to it and adopt it. Silence is the voice of complicity. It is funny, how your side accuses our side of being “double agents” when that has been YOUR trick. Remember the dimwitted girl that accused two Obama campaign workers of mugging her, and then later admitted she made the whole thing up? Or the guy that was caught with a bomb at Jerry Falwell’s funeral and then admitted, lest he look like he was trying to terrorize all the Falwell worshippers, that he was trying to make it look like hateful left-wingers had done it. You guys are good at accusing us of your own tricks, but we all know the right-wingers are the violent backward vitriolic racist tricksters.

  • ontheroad March 25th, 2010 | 2:29 pm

    One more post after hearing Rush Limbaugh today. At 2;15 on his radio show he stated that, and Im sorry I cant quote exactly, that all violent demonstrations and destructive homespun terrorist acts are perpetrated by liberals. Just one name, Timothy McVeigh, certainly not liberal.

  • discoduck March 25th, 2010 | 2:53 pm

    “Really? I have no doubt that you would consider me a “frothing liberal,” yet I came away from Mr. Williams’ comments thinking him a fairly level-headed sort - one with whom I disagree - but certainly not a Klansman, hate monger, or biggot. I would suggest that you examine your own tendency to vilify those with whom you disagree”

    My tendency is to call it like I see it. If he had not stated that disclaimer you would have been all over it.

  • history101 March 25th, 2010 | 2:59 pm

    “history 101, If you actually knew anything about the 60’s, you would know that the racist ones were not liberals.”

    Did I mention race? No.
    Did I mention Radical? Yes.

    You know darn well I was talking about the bombings, thefts, kidnappings, and shooting that occurred by certain groups.
    These radicals were and are held up on a podium by libs and today some are still walking the streets. Some are teaching in Universities and some are within our own government.
    Thank you for the lesson though. I guess I had forgotten most of what I lived through.

  • carter March 25th, 2010 | 3:24 pm

    Seems you too are clever, boy… been busy shooting up Canter’s office? leftwing NUT BOY.

  • peckerwad March 25th, 2010 | 3:27 pm

    Rick Dees: “If he had not stated that disclaimer you would have been all over it.”

    Thanks for the psychoanalysis, Dr. Phil, but you’re wrong.

  • Johnny America March 25th, 2010 | 3:54 pm

    When and if the Judicial system fails the people and protects the demoncrats. There will no doubt be a civil war. Yup I will be right up front to take the country back. Oh yeah, 5 million strong. If you were honest about this you wouldn’t keep pushing the race thing. It has nothing to do with race. It is all about rights and being hijacked by the demoncrats. I look forwards to the day when they haul them all off in handcuffs. Can’t wait to the presidents face then.

    If you continue to blame the republicans for most of the country opposing the “Bullies Control Bill” You too will be on the wrong side of history.

    Hey Crozetite! Give it up. Go carry Tom’s boxes out of his office. I am sure he is going to need help moving. France is a good place for him.

  • Joseph March 25th, 2010 | 4:47 pm

    Hoolarious- is Sarah Palin an elected official or a private citizen. Perhaps your moniker should be Hootarded.

  • dave March 25th, 2010 | 5:02 pm

    Update 3/25/10 4:50pm: The Albemarle County Fire Marshal’s Office and the FBI have confirmed that the supply hose of a portable gas grill at the home of 5th District Representative Tom Perriello’s brother, at 303 Heron Drive in Peacock Hills in Ivy, was a “deliberate act of vandalism” and that it was “intentionally cut,” according to a statement released this afternoon by County spokesperson Lee Catlin. Catlin says that Perriello family members returned home and smelled gas coming from the grill, located at the back of the property, and noticed that the hose was severed.

    “While there was no immediate threat to the residence and its occupants,” the statement reads, “ investigators believe the leaking gas could have posed a danger had there been an ignition source nearby.”

    Anyone with information on this incident or other unusual behavior in the neighborhood is encouraged to call Crime Solvers at (434) 977-4000.

  • ontheroad March 25th, 2010 | 5:37 pm

    Cantor probably shot his own office.

  • Old Timer March 25th, 2010 | 5:57 pm

    Johnny America,

    Did you ask those questions abut the judicial system when Bush was shoving all sorts of illeal activities down the throats of US citizens? Other than John Ashcroft whom the Bush admin- ie Cheney- tried to trample, they brought in people who were absolutely in violation of the law, and were actively deny citizens their rights. They wanted deperately to ‘get the liberals’.

    Where was justice and the American way then?

    Mindsets like yours digust me, because you don’t give a hoot about the Consitution, big government, or taxes. You just give a hoot whether it’s you as an angry white male getting his angeda promoted and being handed all the power.

    I support the 2nd Amendment, am a gun owner, and am not pleased about many things in this health reform bill, but spare me please your petty carpings about the US COnsitution.

    If you right wing flakes gave a darn about it, you would have never in a million years voted for Bush. The GOP treatment of Ron Paul left me in no doubt that you jokers wouldn’t know the US Constitution and the mindset of the FFs if it was a wet fish slapped in your face. If you were the conservatvies you claimed, Ron Paul would have been a shoo - in. Heck, a lot of Perriello supporters would have voted for him.

    Eric Cantor? Give me a break. He never found a pork bill he couldn’t sign when it was his team calling the shots.

  • Hoolarious March 25th, 2010 | 6:24 pm

    Joseph asked, “is Sarah Palin an elected official or a private citizen.”

    Well, she WAS an elected official, until she quit. Quitter.

  • Johnny America March 25th, 2010 | 7:49 pm

    Comment deleted by moderator

  • Johnny America March 25th, 2010 | 7:51 pm

    Comment deleted by moderator

  • Col. Forbin March 25th, 2010 | 8:44 pm

    The AP is reporting that the bullet fired at Cantor’s office was randomly shot in the air - not an uncommon occurrence in Richmond.

    Oh, and Johnny America - if that is your real name, haha - calm down.

  • Scott Ruffner March 25th, 2010 | 9:52 pm

    What strikes me is this was perpetrated by the same crowd that screamed bloody murder about being labeled by Janet Napolitano’s DHS last spring…funny how they turned out to be exactly what the DHS warned about.

  • crozetite March 25th, 2010 | 10:17 pm

    Johnny A Just read what I wrote fully then think of what it says.Then if you still don’t get it get on the”SHORT” bus and go home . Calm down and get a life .

    One more thing ! Just remember Warsaw Poland 1939. The right wing radicals are doing the same thing that go old Adolf did then. But as then ,History will repeat itself and the good guys will beat the fascist pigs again.

  • gaslog March 25th, 2010 | 10:47 pm

    Baggers Please…

  • fu March 26th, 2010 | 12:01 am

    Maybe we should shut down the internet once a week and everyone could have ice-cream or something.

  • Patrick March 26th, 2010 | 1:16 am

    Is anyone buying this blown out of proportion story. So someone, maybe a “Tea Bagger” is furious over the health care vote. Is angry enough to find an address on the internet. Gets in their car and drives around in the county looking for the address. No doubt seething with hatred the whole time. Finds the house and all they do is cut a hose on a back yard BBQ. I mean really a small propane tank going to two burners. No broken windows, no graffiti, no flaming bag of poo. I mean really what was the plan to delay the big celebratory cookout until someone runs to lowes. Maybe someone needs to check out the guy getting the most mileage out of this comedy.

  • Harry March 26th, 2010 | 6:59 am

    The FBI found Bill Ayers, but he never did jail time and his (and his wifes) bombs killed in NYC. But Ramalamadingdong has NEVER refuted his friendship of that goon and his wife……….

    Today the White House is full of portentous ’60’s hippies and radicals all dressed nicely in suits and ties- ready to blame anything on anyone but themselves- “if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem”

  • Nancy March 26th, 2010 | 7:07 am

    How would any of those, who are minimizing the seriousness of this act, feel if this happened to your family ?

  • Oh my god March 26th, 2010 | 7:15 am

    Harry, you are supporting terrorism. Plain and simple

  • fdr March 26th, 2010 | 8:02 am

    Gee remember the good old days when CBS broadcast a photo of George Bush with the subtitle, “Snipers Wanted”. http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/kilborn1.html

    How about these protest photos. Far worse than any tea party but again, nobody cared about it back then.


  • Caesonia March 26th, 2010 | 8:08 am

    Harry, it really is a hoot when people try ans use big words to sound schooled, and totally flub it. These are the same people who cry elite.

    I also find it a hoot that you claiming there are hippies from the 60’s in the white house, and are mad at them for doing exactly what Bush was doing. McCain was advocating mandated health care, and that big Tea Bagger Palin went right along with it.

    There is nothing radical about fascism in this country these days which is what your hero Reagan started us on a path to and Bush and Cheney decided was the only thing worthwhile.

  • Paul Muscarella March 26th, 2010 | 8:11 am

    I agree with Mr. Sewell:
    and at least now we do have med reform maybe not the best
    but it is a start in the right direction I dont know all the in and outs about the bill but I know as time goes on it will be improved on any med bill past will cost it is a fact of life live with it.

  • justbeinobjective March 26th, 2010 | 8:39 am

    Amazing how two things bring out the BEST in people…religion and POLITICS….

  • turnabout March 26th, 2010 | 10:20 am

    perhaps people could visit mr. troxel himself and see if the view is different from the other side

    204 Pennsylvania Ave
    Lynchburg, VA 24502
    (434) 847-6347

  • Sango March 26th, 2010 | 10:30 am

    Not called for, turnabout. I see a “deleted by moderator” in the future.

  • Old Timer March 26th, 2010 | 10:44 am

    Well, Johnny America, I got to see the comments that were moderated before the moderator got to them. As a 70 year old white Southern male, I chortle at your complaints about me saying anything racist. Feeling sensitive are we?

    Maybe you should look at the demographics of the right wing and who the jokers are doing the violence. It’s a bunch of white men most of whom are very angry. Many of them are older, and it does have its token female like Caribou Barbie who is loved because she is ignorant and has nice legs - just the thing to let frightened ignorant white men feel secure. Mostly what these men are angry about is that they are losing power. They don’t get to define culture in this country, and speak for America.

    How do I know you most likely come from this group? Your name. You are supposedly ‘ America.’

    Well, you are no more America than is Tom Perriello, Obama, myself, or my brilliant gun totin’ Jewish wife. If you think America is rejecting you, you would better look at why, starting with trying to drive a culture divide that need not exist, based on ignorance and fear. you can change that, by coming to the table with real ideas, but if you expect to get different results doing what has been destroying this country for the last 30 years, well, you won’t. Personally I am sick of the noise guys like you make.

  • Old Timer March 26th, 2010 | 10:46 am


    Actually I think it is called for. The question is do those upset want to lower themselves to his level. I suspect a very good law case can be made against him, and he can be hit where it hurts, possibly even spend some time in jail.

  • Sango March 26th, 2010 | 10:47 am

    No, it was wrong when Troxel did it, it is wrong when turnabout does it.


  • turnabout March 26th, 2010 | 10:55 am

    perhaps, but

    (1)it is publicly available information
    (2) Troxel has made himself a public figure though his arrogant act
    (3)there is no call for violence or “backing up the man’s sewer line” or any other act of law breaking. just a nice chat.

    and as Troxel stated about himself - “I was a journalism major in college, so I have every reason to believe my research is accurate.”

    so score 1 for a quality Liberty U education!

  • Joe Cecil March 26th, 2010 | 11:18 am

    I get email updates about all the comments on this blog post. I find the posts to be interesting and really reveal what is happening in our society. I think once again we are forgetting who our real enemies are. We are our own worst enemies and we create good or bad karma with thoughts, words, and deeds. We create the world we live in. I choose to live in harmony.

  • TJ March 26th, 2010 | 11:28 am

    Joe harmony is fine, unless harmony means silence which implies agreement.

  • Carter March 26th, 2010 | 11:31 am

    It was a gas grill? Away from the house? Im thinking a few 15 year old kids messing around. Just picked the wrong day to do it. This is not “news” anymore. See you all in NOV.

  • Old Timer March 26th, 2010 | 12:18 pm


    I think you missed my point. I don’t like that either side does it. I just find that those who are so quick to be bullies and do nasty things count on the other person being polite. Violence begets violence. Unfortunately some people don’t understand it until they face it themselves.

    That’s all.

  • Johnny America March 26th, 2010 | 12:20 pm

    Hey Crozetite, here is your response to my post:

    “Johnny A WOW! man can you tell me the name of the store that sells hoods, robes and ammo.I gotta get me some before they take it all away. Are we still on for the cross burning on Saturday????!!!??!”

    Are you kidding me? I’d say it was a pretty easy read.


    Hey Old Timer, Glad you got a laugh. It really isn’t funny. And wow, I can only think of one reason why the Moderator would delete those post.
    One thing is very clear. Not much bipartisaship on this thread. Just because we are suppose to live in a Democratic society does not mean everyone must think like a democrat.

    As soon as someone speaks out differently then you, the bullies come out of the wood work. Good job boys! When I was a little kid, I ate bullies for lunch. I served our country (US ARMY) when Perriello was in diapers. What have you done for her?

  • crozetite March 26th, 2010 | 1:00 pm

    Johnny A Two deletions by the Man in one article, Say some nasty words did we? As for eating bullies for lunch.” BURP “!

    One more thing You still dont get it do you!?

  • Johnny America March 26th, 2010 | 1:16 pm

    Very Clearly. So other than bashing the people that speak out against your views. Have you done anything for your country?
    I didn’t think so!

  • Old Timer March 26th, 2010 | 1:36 pm

    Ah yes Johnny America, now we try the pathetic little game of wrapping yourself in the flag, with suggested claims of ‘I served’ and think that covers any sort of un-patriotic behavior. You are a classic pedestal patriot, pretending it doesn’t stink when you do it.

    Of course I have done something for my country. Many of those supposed liberals have. Many of them were fighting in the mud in places like Vietnam.

    People who go out and do volunteer work, work in for deplorable salaries doing things like caring for the adult mentally disabled after their parents die, they are ALL doing something for their country. Not just you or someone wearing a uniform, which is what you are hinting.

    i know you want to pretend you are the hero, the man, and the one who defines America, but by every post you make, you remind us how little of America you actually seem to know about or understand. All you care about is your ego, and the power you are losing because you supported failed policies.

  • Johnny America March 26th, 2010 | 2:00 pm

    old timer: That is just perfect. Attack a vet. You are smart. Good job. WOW!

    For you to say “of course I have done something for my country” Then talk up your supposed liberal friends is a joke and does not answer the question. What have you done for your country other than insult the people that oppose the 500 pigs in Washington? I didn’t think so!

  • ms. liberty March 26th, 2010 | 2:30 pm

    Nice job of satire Johnny. Even had me going for a minute there.

  • colfer March 26th, 2010 | 2:35 pm

    For the Cantor bullet, I would look at DailyKos’s take on it. For the Albemarle Square window breaking, that one really does seem like a Republican put-up job. Sorry boys, but the lefties around here just do not seem that angry, and the righties do.

  • dave March 26th, 2010 | 2:41 pm

    Update 3/26/10 2:30pm: The New York Times’ Micheal Cooper, reporting from Ivy, Virginia, deems the cut gas line on a portable grill at the home of Rep. Perriello’s brother “potentially the most dangerous of many acts of violence and threats against supporters of the bill in the last week.” The article goes on to highlight similar acts of vandalism across the country, complete with photo of the Perriello home.

    “I think people have to realize what it means to say in a Democracy that ‘I will kill your children if you don’t vote a certain way,’ ” Rep. Perriello told the Times. “What’s at stake here is the sanctity of our democracy.”

  • dave March 26th, 2010 | 3:01 pm

    Update 3/26/10 2:53pm: The DP’s Brian McNeill reports that bricks were thrown through the windows of the Albemarle County GOP headquarters in the Albemarle Square Shopping Center last night, in what is believed to be another act of politically motivated vandalism. Police are investigating the incident.

  • ontheroad March 26th, 2010 | 4:11 pm

    So the republicans got jealous that no one was threatening them. Cantors little broken window now seems to be from a stray bullet, not hard to believe since its in Richmond. So if we break our window people will think its from those mean democrats.

  • Sango March 26th, 2010 | 4:19 pm

    ontheroad, you sound ridiculous. Imagine if a r-winger had said “The Democrats wanted sympathy and wanted to paint the TEA Party Patriots as evil. So if we cut our own propane lines, people will think it’s from those evil, racist tea partyers.” Ridiculous.

    Everyone needs to step back and calm down.

  • NancyDrew March 26th, 2010 | 4:28 pm

    Perhaps we do protest too much –back to work. Have we found Morgan’s killer yet ?

  • fu March 26th, 2010 | 5:08 pm

    Subliminal distraction is really getting out of hand in this town!

  • Caesonia March 26th, 2010 | 10:37 pm

    Johnny not America - What question were you asking? Seems to me like you answered the question for everyone without waiting for an answer so you could play the self righteous victim, and then got called on it.

    Now it hurts your feelings because Old Timer called it right - you are a Vet claiming that only you, and what you do, qualifies for ‘ doing something for your country.’ What I read from his post is that he served too.

    Hope you enjoy all those nice socialized benefits you get as a Vet. Where would you be if it weren’t for the liberals who put them into place so many years ago….

  • Johnny America March 27th, 2010 | 9:48 am

    Caesonia - The question was not for everyone and I answered the question because they couldn’t. If you really read old timer’s post he mentions some nice things about other people. But he did not answer my question: what HE has done for the country?

    He and Crozetite were the only two people I asked.
    Neither can answer any questions without insults, attacks and tyical Democrat rhetoric.

    FYI- I have never once used any of my VA benefits. But thank you so much for your 2 cents.

  • crozetite March 27th, 2010 | 1:34 pm

    Johnny A Yes I do things for my country everyday pay taxes do volunteer work, coach little kid sports teams do runs for different charities. To help your country you don’t have to be in the military or a cop or a politician .Just regular people can do the things I just mentioned. As for me being a Democrat ,That’s an insult to me .Don’t call me a fanatical right wing Republican ether Id just as soon shoot myself in the head than be called that. I’m an independent that listens to the facts and follow my consents and my heart. I don’t listen to the Faux (fox)news wackos.Or the Rush speed ball freaks I listen to facts not lies and fantasies that those outlets preach . Just the facts Jack . Oh one more thing today is Saturday isn’t it? What times the Klan meeting down at Republican Headquarters tonight. Ill be there with my bricks and tube cutters,and maybe a 22 long rifle to break some balls .

  • WestBerkeleyFlats March 27th, 2010 | 4:00 pm

    Subliminal distraction is really getting out of hand in this town!

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