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Urban myth? Police nab hotel trespassers

by Dave McNair
published 3:24pm Friday Jun 25, 2010
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news-landmark-med1Police recently caught two people sleeping in the landmark hotel.

Just days after Landmark Hotel owner Halsey Minor characterized the rumors that people were sleeping in the abandoned hotel project as a possible “urban myth,” Charlottesville police have nabbed at least two people trespassing on the site.

The Hook spoke to one man who was discovered and removed from the building by police two nights ago, but who avoided arrest. Today, the Newsplex reported that another trespasser was arrested on Thursday, but Charlottesville Police Chief Tim Longo says there was no arrest and that the Newsplex reporter was asked to correct the story.

“I’m told that officers did remove an intoxicated person from within the barrier wall who was trespassing,” says Longo.

The man the Hook spoke to, who wished to remain anonymous, says the first time he slept in the hotel was after the Sharron Jones and the Dap-Kings show in December.

“I used to work in construction,” the man says, “and the barriers they put up weren’t that strong. You could pry them open and get through. It was pretty easy to get up there.”

That first night he went all the way up on the roof.

“I like to be in high places,” he says. “and I really wanted to see the view and watch the sunrise. So I decided to give it a whirlski.”

The man says he’s since talked to others who’ve slept in the hotel structure, some after hearing his stories about it. But now that police appear to be aware of the trend, the man says he’s likely to find other places to stay for awhile.


  • I Pee You Poo June 25th, 2010 | 3:58 pm

    I say we all do a late night visit to the place and spend a night there.

  • Col. Forbin June 25th, 2010 | 4:36 pm

    That’s one idea.

  • Bullet tooth Tony June 25th, 2010 | 6:49 pm

    I say you stay in your nice warm bed and not make a mockery of homelessness

  • Gaslog June 25th, 2010 | 7:49 pm

    A “Whirlski”?

  • Music Lover June 26th, 2010 | 11:01 am

    I say the city exercise its authority to condemn and force the sale of the structure for pennies on the dollar to somebody who will finish building the damn thing. Lacking that, employ eminent domain to take the property, complete it, and turn it into city offices.

    Minor’s had enough time, and it appears that he has enough money to complete the job. Compel him to do so, or to walk away. It’s a dangerous eyesore.

  • bobby June 26th, 2010 | 11:36 am

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  • colfer June 26th, 2010 | 12:41 pm

    No one is going to spend $30m - $40m to finish this building, even if the gov’t seized it, paid for it, and give it away. Which will never happen, since the state legislature would have to approve it, due to Virginia’s centralized constitution. The Raddison/Omni case was before the state changed the law. About one hour before!

    Commercial credit has dried up. Especially for building a hotel. Minor never intended to put in more than a fraction of the cost, by using loans. We are stuck with this thing. I have yet to hear a solution. There is NO money to finish this building.

  • Poster It June 27th, 2010 | 1:06 am

    Why not cover it with posters similar to those posted downtown with the animal/tree scenes so at least the eyesore can become somewhat of an art piece. Just a thought.

  • Tim Brown June 27th, 2010 | 9:31 pm

    Turn that joint into a level on Wolfenstein 3D with paintball

  • Homeless Apartments? June 27th, 2010 | 10:04 pm

    Hey Dave Norris! Put some plywood around the skeleton. Now you have the homeless apartments you and your pin headed friends have clamored for. It’s close to the Haven too and close to the “jobs”..panhandling all day on the freakin Mall. Just a thought as if Charlottesville hasn’t come up with enough BS

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