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Pedestrian struck on Water Street

by Courteney Stuart
(434) 295-8700 x236
published 2:32pm Friday Nov 12, 2010
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A pedestrian was struck in the 100 block of West Water Street just after 1pm. The incident occurred as a female pedestrian crossed mid-block in front of the Chloe boutique, according to a witness, who says the driver of the car stopped for several minutes and spoke with the pedestrian, who’d been knocked to the ground but appeared to have suffered no serious injuries.



  • A November 12th, 2010 | 3:53 pm

    This is not surprising. Many pedestrian’s just step out to cross without looking and expect vehicles to stop on a dime. Market Street and Water street are very congested and its hard to see when you have so many cars, trucks and delivery trucks blocking your view. I hope whomever was struck is okay. All people need to be careful in this area whether you are walking or driving.

  • Christian Weston Chandler November 12th, 2010 | 9:55 pm

    People should be more careful when they are walking. I have driven many good miles in my car; license plate reads SONICHU after my Creation Sonichu The Electric Hedgehog Pokemon. On numerous times I have come close to hitting people walking in the street. I am High-Functionally Autistic and I do not think people understand that I am not always in the correct lane IT’S NOT MY FAULT! I do not Appreciate yelling and rude name calling! Also if anyone went to Manchester High School class of 2000; please get in touch with me so that I can make the 10 Year Reunion happen! It must happen! I can be reached during daytime on my cellphone. My digits are 434-760-0848. Bonus Stars if you are an Old Special Gal Pal. :-*

  • JJ November 12th, 2010 | 10:12 pm

    From the article, it sounds fortunate the pedestrian was not seriously injured. Perhaps next time, she’ll use the cross walks instead of crossing the street mid-block.

  • So What November 12th, 2010 | 10:25 pm

    And why is this news? Dummy went into the road without a crosswalk, got hit, and is OK. Crap happens.

  • Radha M November 13th, 2010 | 8:12 am

    Gawd. This has to be the most boring news article I’ve ever read. Editors, nothing more interesting happened in Charlottesville this week? No, really.

  • UHG November 13th, 2010 | 10:37 am

    Jaywalkers take their life and others’ into their own hands. There is a reason why it is illegal to cross mid-street and not yield to vehicles. It’s too bad they threaten bikers and motorists when they make the choice to break the law.

  • Gasbag Self Ordained Expert November 13th, 2010 | 11:47 am

    They choose to break the law because the laws against pedestrian movement are NOT enforced in this town. A cop in plain clothes could sit at one of the tables beside Fellini’s and write tickets all night long. On a Friday or Saturday they could take in $10,000 to $20,000 in fines and costs, and send a message to the pedestrian community.

    I will never understand the logic of it all. The cop shoppe targeted UVA students for illegally crossing train tracks at the corner. But the much more dangerous actions by pedestrians elsewhere in the city are totally ignored.

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