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Jay-Z and T.I.

John Paul Jones Arena
October 25, 8:00pm

Man oh man. Where do we even start with this? Jay is the closest thing hip-hop has had to a reigning champion since Biggie’s death in 1997. Transcending his humble beginnings in the grimy housing projects of Brooklyn, Jigga became one of the smartest businessmen in hip hop as well as its best-selling artist ever. His 2003 album was supposed to be his last, presumably so he’d have more time to play label mogul, buy sports teams, and embarrass champagne companies, but the retirement didn’t stick: he came roaring back in ‘05 with a concept album based on the Denzel Washington crime drama American Gangster. His live performances also came back with a bang: earlier this year, he became the first rapper ever to headline at the traditionally guitar-centric Glastonbury Festival in England, prompting yet another whiny outburst from Oasis’ Noel Gallagher, and ultimately leading to (what else?) a Roca-fied cover of “Wonderwall.”

T.I. ain’t no slouch either, even if he has yet to prove his longevity the way Jay has, but honestly we’ll just be happy if he makes it to the stage without getting arrested again.

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