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The Flaming Lips

Charlottesville Pavilion
April 15, 7:00pm

The Flaming Lips recently released a new album that is most likely not quite as good as their crowning fruitcake Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots (which is also way better than The Soft Bulletin no matter what anybody else tries to tell you) but with 25 years of history behind them and a devoted fanbase that can actually sing along with all the old songs (”She Don’t Use Jelly” being the finest example) they’ll certainly be playing material from all over the place here. So let’s instead focus on the antics: for their 2006 show, they may or may not have recruited some UVA sorority girls beforehand but most certainly had girls dressing in skimpy costumes on either side of the stage (half dressed as aliens, half as Ms. Claus). Frontman Wayne Coyne, who you should probably also know was recently caught chilling out in a bizarre makeshift bathtub setup on his front lawn by the Google Maps street view cameras, played one battered acoustic guitar the entire time, instead using his guitar stands to hold an array of confetti guns which he’d cycle through while firing as roadies reloaded the spares, all of which left a bigger mess for the poor Pavilion staffers to clean up than any act that had come before. And don’t even get us started on the giant inflatable plastic ball he climbed into which allowed him to float, bobble, and hamster his way across the crowd’s heads.

Also performing: experimental rock band and Lips collaborative buddies Stardeath and White Dwarfs, which all but guarantees that the show will include bits from their recent project together, which also called on Henry Rollins and Peaches for a remake of a little album called Dark Side Of The Moon.

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visit Charlottesville Pavilion online
listen to Flaming Lips at the Hype Machine
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