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Thrum, My Device, and The Library Is On Fire

Outback Lodge
July 18, 8:00pm

Thrum is among the coolest of musical everythingist Lance Brenner’s many thumb-pies, and for a while it was one of the most interesting projects in Charlottesville in terms philosophies and mission statements. Brenner initially set out to make gooey organic ambient music without using crutches like keyboards and samplers loaded with hundreds of sloshy pad sounds like so many of the other bands inhabiting that space. Naturally, this has always required a finely tuned arsenal of guitar pedals, but Brenner also recently caved on the equipment front and now employs the very machines he had originally intended to rage against. Whatever the paradigm, though, drummer John Allietta’s more intricate passages are not to be missed.

Also featuring New York’s The Library Is On Fire, who play mid-90’s themed art-rock punk, and UK psychedelic rockers My Device, whose strange guitar pedal explorations have made them an NME favorite.

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  • Lance Brenner July 15th, 2009 | 4:02pm

    Just to clarify, the recordings are totally analog/organic. No keyboards or samples are used. Live however, I manually trigger some homemade samples and Christine plays a foot controlled keyboard while she plays bass. We found that we had to employ these devices to recreate the fullness of a couple songs.

    Link to Thrum player:

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